Toddler Nutrition

Boy in light blue shirt eats spaghetti with fork in bright restaurant.My Toddler

Eating Out and Toddler Mealtime Manners

Ever wondered how the spaghetti got on the ceiling? A toddler’s independent and curious behaviour at mealtimes can sometimes be a source of stress for parents. Start mealtime manners early...
Smiling rice balls with seaweed, vegetables, sausage, lettuce, kiwi, and cherry tomatoes sit in colorful bento boxes on a checkered tablecloth.My Toddler

Healthy Lunchboxes for Childcare

Some childcare centres will provide your toddler with all their food for the day, while others may only provide snacks. Alternatively, it may even be you and your family who...
Toddler balancing on chair, eats from spoon near green bowl, at light wood table in bright room.My Toddler

Iron Deficiency in Toddlers

What is Iron? Iron is an important dietary mineral that is needed for many functions in the body, including: Transporting oxygen around the body Providing energy Brain development Supporting the...
Child with curly hair drinks from clear glass, minimalistic light-colored setting.My Toddler

Drinking Water

You may worry that your toddler is not getting enough fluids as they may not be drinking enough water throughout the day. This is an understandable concern, as approximately half...
Man lies on sand holding baby, both smiling, woman watches and smiles; beach setting.My Toddler

5 Rules of Engagment

The 5 Rules of Engagement provide a few suggested changes that can mean that dinner time becomes a place of enjoyment and food discovery, rather than the nightly battle field....
Child in chef's hat smiles behind array of vegetables, bottle of olive oil, white surface.My Toddler

Toddler Food Groups

Setting Up a Healthy Balance Variety in a toddler's diet is essential for healthy growth and development. Offering your child a variety of foods throughout the day will provide them...
Sharpened pencil on meal planner chart with "SNACK" visible, outlines meals for different days.My Toddler

Meal Planner for Kids

Setting up a healthy eating plan for kids has never been more important, especially in the early toddler years. Good food habits learnt in childhood can last a lifetime. To...
Vegetable sticks (celery, cucumber, and red bell pepper) in glass jars, with a bowl of white dip and scattered cherry tomatoes on a white marble surface.My Toddler

The 5 Food Groups

For your toddler's growth and development it is important that they eat a balanced diet. All foods can be put into one of five food groups and the key is...
Bowl of oatmeal with bunny face, apple slices, raisins, chocolate, spoon, strawberries on plate.My Toddler

The Australian Food Guidelines

What are the Australian Dietary Guidelines? The Five Foods Groups in Australia The 5 Principles of Australian Dietary Guidelines Foods to Avoid for Toddlers Serving Sizes Building Healthy Habits for...