Breastfeeding Positions

There are many breastfeeding positions. No matter which you use, the important part is to make sure your baby latches onto the breast correctly.

For a demonstration, see our How to Breastfeed Video.

The Cradle Hold

This hold is best for babies who are able to latch on without difficulty.

  • Hold the baby’s head in the crook of your arm on the same side as the breast you intend to feed the infant
  • Your baby should be across you with their abdomen against your body and nose at your nipple
  • Pull your baby up to your breast so they can latch on.

The Cross-Cradle Hold

This hold is useful in the early days of nursing or for babies who have difficulty latching on.

  • Position your baby so that they are lying across you with their abdomen against your body and nose at your nipple
  • Use your right arm to hold your baby at your left breast, while supporting their head with your left hand and vice versa when feeding from your right breast
  • You can use a large pillow to support the arm holding the baby.

The Football Hold

This hold is helpful for mothers who have had a caesarean, who have twins, or who are nursing small babies.

  • Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet supported by a stool
  • Support your baby in a semi-sitting position facing you, with their legs under your arm
  • You can use a pillow to bring them closer to your nipple
  • Use your hand on the same side as the breast you are feeding from to support your baby’s head while your other hand holds the breast to your baby’s mouth.

Side-lying Hold

This position works best if you are nursing during the night or if you want to get some rest while feeding.

  • You and your baby lie on your sides, stomach to stomach and your baby’s mouth in line with your nipple
  • Use your free hand to support your bottom breast
  • You may like to use a pillow behind your baby’s back so they are close
  • You will need to roll over to change sides.

Whichever position you choose to use make sure you bring your baby to your breast not your breast as this can lead to latching problems.
