How to Prepare a Feeding Bottle

Formula can provide all the nutrients your little one needs during the first 6 months of their life. However, it’s crucial to understand the preparation of formula in a bottle correctly.

Choosing the right formula to match the age and nutritional needs of your baby is important, in addition to reading the label carefully, following the manufacturer’s instructions and handling the formula correctly. In this article, we share the best way to prepare formula milk for your little one with regard to safety and hygiene.

Follow the Instructions when Preparing Formula

The number of scoops and the amount of water can vary between different types and brands of formula. It’s essential to always check the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct amount of water and powder to use before making up the formula.

Always use the scoop that came with the formula as scoop sizes can vary as well.

If the formula is made too strong (when too much powder is added to the water) your baby may become constipated.

If the formula is too weak (when not enough powder is added to the water) your baby may not be getting all the nutrients they need to help them grow and develop.

It’s important to read and understand all instructions on the formula can carefully before preparing a feeding bottle with formula.

Hygiene Practices When Preparing a Feeding Bottle

Good hygiene practices are essential when preparing a formula bottle for your baby. Sterilisation, washing hands and sterilising prep surfaces are all key steps in keeping your baby safe from illnesses due to germs.

Your baby’s developing immune system is especially vulnerable to harm from germs and bacteria. Good hygiene measures can help protect your child.

It is important to ensure thorough sterilisation of any water and bottle equipment used for the baby’s feedings. Boiling water for five minutes is a good way to ensure it has been sufficiently sterilised. Bottle teats should be washed with hot soapy water before each use and then sterilised.

All equipment used should be washed and sanitised immediately after use to ensure no germs are left behind on the surfaces.

Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water is also of utmost importance when preparing a feeding bottle.

Good hygiene practices during feedings are key for keeping your baby safe and healthy! Taking the time to properly clean and sterilise all equipment needed for feedings, along with washing your hands frequently, will go a long way in providing a safe feeding routine for your baby.

Bottle Preparation Steps 1-2-3

Step 1: Sterilising the Water

Boil fresh water and allow it to cool, until lukewarm, before making up the formula. If the water is too hot it may scald your baby or affect the quality of the nutrients in the formula.

Bottled water – but not sparkling mineral water – can be used but it is not necessarily sterile and should always be boiled first. Boiling bottled water helps to reduce the risk of contamination, helping to make sure that the water your baby drinks is as clean and safe as possible.

Step 2: Preparing the Formula

Before you start preparing formula, make sure to read the instructions on the formula can carefully. This will tell you the precise amount of water and powder needed for the formula. It is also important to check the expiry date on the pack.

Next, pour the correct amount of boiled (cooled) water into a sterilised feeding bottle. Always be sure to add the water first. Measure out the right amount of powder with the scoop provided, making sure to level off the top. Put the cap back on and shake until all of the powder has dissolved.

It’s best to prepare each feeding bottle individually just before you need it, as opposed to preparing multiple bottles at once and then refrigerating them for later use.

Step 3: Bottle Feeding

When preparing a bottle for your baby, it is important to make sure you check the temperature of the formula before giving it to them. You can easily do this by testing a few drops on the inside of your wrist.

The formula should be warm, but not too hot. 37° Celsius is the recommended temperature for a baby’s bottle.

Once the feed is finished, it is important to discard any formula left over in the bottle.

